BuzzAround XL3 MN: GB117

The Buzzaround XL features the sleekest design and smoothest disassembly of any compact scooter available today and a weight capacity of 300 lbs. Three inches longer than our popular Buzzaround Lite, it gives you more foot room for a full day of travel, while still maneuvering well in tight indoor spaces. Featuring a Delta tiller for easier steering as a standard feature, the Buzzaround XL has a plush 17″x16″ black vinyl stadium seat with height- and width-adjustable armrests. Designed with a battery-charging port located conveniently under the tiller for easy charging access, the Buzzaround XL also comes with snap-on shroud panels in Red and Blue for an easy change of appearance.

300 lb. weight capacity

Battery charger port conveniently located under the tiller

Easy, wireless disassembly

Plush black vinyl 17″x16″ seat standard

4.5 mph maximum speed

5.5 mile operating range

50 amp Dynamic R series controller standard

Automobile grade carpeting

Black, non-scuffing tires with shiny silver rims

Model Number: GB116

BuzzRound XL 3-Wheel Brochure

Scooter Brochure